SCIENTIFIC NAME: Aucuba japonica 'Variegated Nana'
COMMON NAME: Variegated Nana Aucuba
GARDEN SIZE: 2-6 feet tall x 3 feet wide
USDA ZONE: 7 to 10
EXPOSURE: Full Shade to Part Shade
WATER & SOIL: Average to moist, well-drained and organically rich soil
HABIT (FORM): Compact, showy shrub
FOLIAGE: Evergreen; Variegated foliage
FLOWERS: Inconspicuous. If planted near a male aucuba (such as 'Mr. Goldstrike' or 'Shilpot') , will produce bright red berries that ripen in fall and last until spring.
PLANT ORIGIN: Japan and China
WILDLIFE SUPPORT: May provide some nesting sites and shelter for birds and small mammals, but does not serve as much of a food source for local insects and wildlife.
FERTILIZING: Use a fertilizer for acid-loving plants (such as Holly-tone) in spring and fall
PRUNING: Pruning is rarely needed but if desired it can be done in the late spring.
TOXICITY FLAGS: Generally considered mildly toxic to dogs, cats, and horses.
USES: Foundation plantings, Accents, Borders, Corner Piece