SCIENTIFIC NAME: Platanus x acerifolia 'GREJTN'
COMMON NAME: Rockford Road™ London Planetree
GARDEN SIZE: 60-75 (up to 75-100) feet tall x 60-75 feet wide
EXPOSURE: Full sun
WATER & SOIL: Medium to wet, well-drained soils; tolerates clay soil
HABIT (FORM): Upright
FOLIAGE: Deciduous; large green leaves, turns gold in fall
FLOWERS: Insignificant
PLANT ORIGIN: Hybrid cross between American sycamore (P. occidentalis) and Oriental planetree (P. orientalis)
WILDLIFE SUPPORT: May provide some nesting sites and shelter for birds and small mammals, but does not serve as much of a food source for local insects and wildlife.
FERTILIZING: May apply organic compost in the spring, but not generally necessary.
PRUNING: Not generally necessary after maturity. Maintenance requires regular cleanup of litter (twigs, limbs, large leaves, fruiting balls).
TOXICITY FLAGS: Generally considered non-toxic to pets.
USES: Shade tree, rain garden