SCIENTIFIC NAME: Amelanchier laevis
COMMON NAME: Allegheny Serviceberry
GARDEN SIZE: 15 to 40 feet tall x 15 to 40 feet wide
USDA ZONE: 4 to 8
EXPOSURE: Full sun to part shade
WATER & SOIL: Prefers moist, well-drained acidic soil; average water needs, with additional water in times of drought
HABIT (FORM): Upright, multi-trunked understory tree or tall shrub
FOLIAGE: Deciduous; green leaves emerge with a purple tint, turning red-orange in fall
FLOWERS: Fragrant white blooms in April, followed by edible berries
PLANT ORIGIN: Tennessee and Eastern North America
WILDLIFE SUPPORT: Host plant for local butterflies and moths, and food source for pollinators, birds, and small mammals. Supplies shelter and nesting sites.
FERTILIZING: Fertilize in spring and November with Plant-tone, Holly-tone, or similar fertilizer; balanced NPK recommended
PRUNING: Minimal; prune in spring to remove dead or damaged branches
TOXICITY FLAGS: Generally considered non-toxic to dogs, cats, and horses.
USES: Edible berries, Hedges, Privacy, Specimen, Fall Color