SCIENTIFIC NAME: Quercus × bimundorum 'Crimschmidt'
COMMON NAME: Crimson Spire Oak
GARDEN SIZE: 45 ft. tall x 15 ft. wide
GROWTH RATE: Moderate to fast
EXPOSURE: Full sun
WATER & SOIL: Prefers well-drained soils; adaptable to a variety of soil types including loam, sandy, and clay soils
HABIT (FORM): Columnar, tightly fastigiate (upright and narrow)
FOLIAGE: Deciduous; dark green to bluish-green leaves, turning rusty red in fall
FLOWERS: Insignificant; yellow-green catkins
PLANT ORIGIN: Hybrid of Quercus robur (English oak) and Quercus alba (white oak)
WILDLIFE SUPPORT: Provides acorns for wildlife such as birds, squirrels, and deer; valuable for habitat and cover. Not a host plant for local insects.
FERTILIZING: Fertilizer not recommended. If desired, you may top dress with no more than 1 inch of organic compost per season.
PRUNING: Prune in late winter to maintain structure and remove dead or damaged branches
USES: Ideal for narrow spaces, street tree, specimen tree for residential or urban landscapes